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Liberty Christian’s desire is to partner with students and their families who seek a school that encourages academic excellence, spiritual growth and active involvement in clubs, organizations, and extracurricular programs.

The robust curriculum and wide variety of programs at Liberty Christian make it possible to further our mission in the life of your child. Liberty exists to raise up godly leaders who will make a difference in the world around them. Private tuition dollars rather than government funding allow us to infuse a biblical worldview in every facet of our student programs.

2024-2025 Tuition Rates 
2025-2026 Tuition Rates

New Student Fees

Our nonrefundable new student application fee is $150 per student. The new student enrollment fee for kindergarten through 12th grade students is $1,000 per student. There is no new student enrollment fee for Preschool (3-year-olds), Pre-K (4-year-olds), and Bridge (5-year-olds). There is a one-time campus enhancement fee of $4,000 per new family with children entering on-campus grades kindergarten through 12th grade, which is due upon acceptance. There is an annual fee of $4,000 for international students.

*Please note: For the 2025-2026 school year, Bridge will no longer being offered but a new Pre-1st Grade will open which will require the new student enrollment fee.

All School Fees

The annual registration fee for the 2024-2025 school year is $700 per student and will be drafted through Tuition Management on March 1, 2024 unless the school has been notified of intentions to withdraw by Jan. 31, 2024 at If notified of withdrawal after this date, families will be responsible for tuition owed as outlined in the continuous enrollment agreement. 

Liberty Connect is our K-12 online school offering. Learn more about Liberty Connect here. 

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2024-2025 Tuition and Fees




Tuition with
1 Percent Discount
(Paid by 6/1/24)


Tuition and Fees 
per Month
(12 Month)

Registration Fee
(Drafted 3/1/24)

Preschool 2-Day Program (T-Th) $5,346 $5,293 $83 $242 $473 $700
Preschool 3-Day Program (M-W-F) $7,851 $7,772 $83 $361 $691 $700
Preschool 5-Day Program $10,878 $10,769 $139 $605 $969 $700
Pre-K 5-Day Program $10,878 $10,769 $139 $605 $969 $700
Pre-K 5-Day Bridge Program $12,995 $12,865 $139 $605 $1,145 $700
Kindergarten $15,250 $15,098 $444 $944 $1,387 $700
1st $16,532 $16,367 $444 $944 $1,493 $700
2nd – 3rd $16,846 $16,678 $444 $944 $1,520 $700
4th – 5th $17,580 $17,404 $444 $957 $1,582 $700
6th $19,340 $19,147 $444 $1,090 $1,740 $700
7th – 8th $21,606 $21,390 $444 $1,090 $1,928 $700
9th – 12th $22,378 $22,154 $500 $1,211 $2,007 $700
Liberty Connect K-5th Grade $8,960 N/A N/A N/A Option Available $700
Liberty Connect 6th-12th Grade $11,730 N/A N/A N/A Option Available $700

Note: Tuition and fees per month figures are based upon 12-month installments, beginning with June 1 and ending with May 1. Tuition and fees are shown rounded to the nearest dollar, but will bill to the exact amount in the tuition billing system.  Enrollments after June 1, 2024 will have adjusted tuition and fees per month. Tuition and fees above exclude expenses such as uniforms, meals, overnight travel, field trips, the annual registration fee, and any other student activity costs. All fees are nonrefundable. Please discuss tuition, fees and extended care options with an Admissions Officer.

2025-2026 Tuition and Fees




Tuition with
1 Percent Discount
(Paid by 6/1/25)


Tuition and Fees 
per Month
(12 Month)

Registration Fee
(Drafted 3/1/25)

Preschool 2-Day Program (T-Th) $5,690 $5,634 $100 $260 $504 $700
Preschool 3-Day Program (M-W-F) $8,350 $8,267 $100 $390 $737 $700
Preschool 5-Day Program $11,570 $11,455 $170 $650 $1,033 $700
Pre-K 5-Day Program $11,570 $11,455 $170 $650 $1,033 $700
Kindergarten $16,580 $16,416 $550 $1,020 $1,513 $700
Pre-1st Grade $16,580 $16,416 $550 $1,020 $1,513 $700
1st $17,590 $17,416 $550 $1,020 $1,597 $700
2nd – 3rd $18,310 $18,129 $550 $1,020 $1,657 $700
4th – 5th $19,110 $18,921 $550 $1,035 $1,725 $700
6th $21,020 $20,812 $550 $1,180 $1,896 $700
7th – 8th $22,740 $22,515 $550 $1,180 $2,039 $700
9th – 12th $23,810 $23,574 $600 $1,310 $2,143 $700
Liberty Connect K-5th Grade $8,960 N/A N/A N/A Available $700
Liberty Connect 6th-12th Grade $11,730 N/A N/A N/A Available $700

Note: Tuition and fees per month figures are based upon 12-month installments, beginning with June 1 and ending with May 1. Tuition and fees are shown rounded to the nearest dollar, but will bill to the exact amount in the tuition billing system.  Enrollments after June 1, 2025 will have adjusted tuition and fees per month. Tuition and fees above exclude expenses such as uniforms, meals, overnight travel, field trips, the annual registration fee, and any other student activity costs. All fees are nonrefundable. Please discuss tuition, fees and extended care options with an Admissions Officer.