At Liberty Christian, we take a student-centered approach to provide students holistic, authentic learning experiences.
A biblical worldview infuses all classes, helping students make connections between learning targets and God’s truth. Our classes allow students to apply their growing knowledge in meaningful activities and assignments with relevance beyond the classroom walls.
Because students live in a digital world, teachers provide guidance and lessons to successfully navigate the digital landscape with Christ-like character and discernment. By focusing on social and emotional intelligence, as well as reflective practices, students become self-aware and able to successfully learn and serve alongside others.
College Prep – helping our students become Warrior-Ready for life
Being a Christian school allows us to continually remind our students that the college they attend does not determine their worth or their identity in this life. While the world might tell them that, God’s Word reminds us of the truth. College prep does not mean simply getting into college. We consider our students prepared when they can stand firm in their faith no matter which college they choose to attend.
Only at Liberty Christian
Intentional focus on spiritual development
- Biblical worldview in all classes
- Mission trips and projects, retreats and chapels
- Leadership development through mentorship programs
Only at Liberty Christian
Access to rigorous learning opportunities
- Instructional practices that strategically prompt deeper, more complex critical-thinking skills, as well as creative, innovative problem-solving skills
- AP and Dual Credit courses
- Academic and co-curricular competitions
Only at Liberty Christian
Personal College and Academic Advising
- On-campus college fairs with exposure to colleges nationwide
- On-campus test prep classes
- On-campus college recruiting coordinator for student-athletes
Only at Liberty Christian
Opportunities to serve and develop in passion/talent areas
- Student clubs and organizations
- Community service opportunities
- Internship program
- Warrior community participation
- Athletics and Fine Arts programs
Only at Liberty Christian
Personal Development
- Time management
- Organization
- Note-taking and research
- Effective communication skills
Only at Liberty Christian
"Secular" vs. Christian Curriculum
How does Liberty Christian approach "secular" vs. Christian curriculum? Hear from Kathy Hall, the Director of Curriculum at LCS.
Liberty Christian
Lower School
The Lower School is designed to foster a lifelong love of learning and to encourage students to grow academically, socially, emotionally, physically and spiritually.
Liberty Christian
Middle School
Liberty Christian’s Middle School nurtures and encourages students while providing guidance and support.
Liberty Christian
Upper School
The academic plan, which includes 9th-12th grades, provides a rigorous learning environment that builds Christian character and fosters critical thinking.
Full Academic Road Map
Find a PDF of a full breakdown of core classes for Kindergarten through 12th grade by clicking here.
Kindergarten through 5th Grade
Find full week-by-week breakdowns for Kindergarten through 5th grade in the tabs below. Each grade level is broken down into Spiritual Life/Bible, Literacy Modules, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Click here to see one full comprehensive breakdown of all core subjects from Kindergarten through 5th grade.
Complete Kindergarten Overview
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Spiritual Life/Bible
Weeks 1-3: Fruit of the Spirit Salvation Series
Weeks 4-7: Heaven/Adam/Christ's Resurrection/How to Grow
Weeks 8-11: Creation/Adam and Eve/Cain and Abel/Enoch and Noah
Weeks 12-14: Call of Abram/Lot's Choice/Isaac and Ishmael/Esau and Jacob/Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Joseph/Christmas
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-21: Joseph
Weeks 22-25: Boyhood of Jesus/Temptation of Jesus/Calling the Disciples
Week 26: Last Supper/Death and Resurrection of Jesus
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Miracles and Ministry of Jesus
Literacy Modules
Weeks 1-4: Curious about Kindergarten
Weeks 5-8: There's Only One Me!
Weeks 9-12: My Community Heroes
Weeks 13-14: Happy Healthy Me
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-16: Happy Healthy Me (continued)
Week 17: I Can Do It!
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-20: I Can Do It! (continued)
Weeks 21-24: Home of the Free and the Brave
Weeks 25-26: Zoom In!
Spring Break
Weeks 27-28: Zoom In! (continued)
Weeks 29-32: From Plant to Plate
Weeks 33-36: Animal Habitats
Weeks 1-12: Numbers and Operations – 0-30
Weeks 13-14: Data Analysis – Graphing and Patterns
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Comparing Numbers
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Addition and Subtraction
Weeks 22-23: Algebraic Reasoning
Weeks 24-26: Geometry and Measurement
Spring Break
Weeks 27-32: Geometry and Measurement (continued)
Weeks 33-36: Understanding Money
Weeks 1-14: Physical Science: Our Five Senses, States of Matter, Heat and Light, Forces, and Simple Machines
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Physical Science: Our Five Senses, States of Matter, Heat and Light, Forces, and Simple Machines (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Earth Science: Our Earth/Rocks/Space (Moon, Day, Night)/Seasons and Weather
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Life Science: Plants/Animals
Social Studies
Weeks 1-7: Government and Citizenship: Character Traits and Rules
Weeks 8-14: US History and My Community
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Geography: Maps/Landforms/Globes/Climate
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Government and Citizenship
Weeks 22-26: Our Culture and Diversity
Spring Break
Weeks 27-28: Government: Functions and Responsibility
Weeks 29-36: Economics: Our Wants, Needs, Goods, and Services
1st Grade
Complete 1st Grade Overview
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Spiritual Life/Bible
Weeks 1-3: Heaven/Adam/Christ's Resurrection/How to Grow
Weeks 4-7: Creation/Adam and Eve/Cain and Abel/Enoch and Noah
Weeks 8-11: Call of Abram/Lot's Choice/Isaac and Ishmael/Esau and Jacob
Weeks 12-14: Joseph/Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Christmas
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Boyhood of Jesus/Temptation of Jesus/Calling the Disciples
Weeks 22-26: Miracles and Ministry of Jesus
Spring Break
Weeks 27-38: Last Supper/Death and Resurrection of Jesus
Weeks 29-32: Ascension/Stoning of Stephen/Saul
Weeks 33-36: Paul's Missionary Journeys
Literacy Modules
Weeks 1-3: Nice to Meet You!
Weeks 4-6: My Family, My Community
Weeks 7-9: Amazing Animals
Weeks 10-12: Better Together
Weeks 13-14: Now You See It, Now You Don't
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15: Now You See It, Now You Don't (continued)
Weeks 16-17: Celebrate America
Christmas Break
Week 18: Celebrate America (continued)
Weeks 19-21: The Big Outdoors
Weeks 22-24: Tell Me a Story
Weeks 25-26: Grow, Plants, Grow!
Spring Break
Week 27: Grow, Plants, Grow! (continued)
Weeks 28-30: Dare to Dream
Weeks 31-32: Genre Study: Nonfiction
Weeks 33-36: Genre Study: Literary Texts
Week 1: Numbers and Operations
Week 2: 5 and 10 Relationships
Weeks 3-12: Addition and Subtraction/Facts to 20
Weeks 13-14: Comparing and Ordering/Tens and Ones
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15: Numbers to 120
Weeks 16-17: Money
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-23: Algebraic Reasoning
Weeks 24-26: Geometry and Measurement
Spring Break
Weeks 27-30: Geometry and Measurement (continued)
Weeks 31-32: Data Analysis
Weeks 33-36: Personal Financial Literacy
Weeks 1-11: Process Skills and Physical Science: Sound and Light, Matter and Energy, Forces and Motion
Weeks 12-14: Earth Science: God's Creation
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Earth Science (continued): Earth's Surface
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Earth Science (continued): God's Creation, Air, Weather, Space
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Life Science: Living Things – Plants and Animals, Life Cycles, Characteristics, Basic Needs
Social Studies
Weeks 1-8: American History and Government: Our Freedoms and Influential People
Weeks 9-14: American Culture and Citizenship: Holidays, Celebrations, Symbols, Beliefs, Influential Men and Women
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: American Culture and Citizenship: Holidays, Celebrations, Symbols, Beliefs, Influential Men and Women (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Geography: Growth in America, Map Skills, Timelines, and Patterns
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Economics, Science and Technology: American Inventors, Goods and Services, The Value of Work
2nd Grade
Complete 2nd Grade Overview
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Spiritual Life/Bible
Weeks 1-4: Identity: "Knowing God and Being His Child" – Abraham, Moses
Weeks 5-8: Humility: "Lifting God by Lowering Myself" –Daniel, Martha, Jesus, Paul and Barnabas
Weeks 9-12: Courage: "Choosing God Instead of my Fears!" – Moses, Joshua, David, Elijah
Weeks 13-14: Gratitude: "Thanking God for All That I Have!" – Ruth, Esther, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15: Esther
Weeks 16-17: Generosity: "Sharing God by Giving With Joy!" – Mary and Joseph, Christmas
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Honor: "Loving God by Showing Respect!" – Jesus, Miriam and Aaron, Joshua, Peter
Weeks 22-24: Integrity: "Trusting God by Living the Truth!" – Peter, Job, Daniel
Weeks 25-26: Service: "Showing God by Helping His People!" –Ruth, Elijah, Paul and Silas
Spring Break
Weeks 27-28: Service: "Showing God by Helping His People!" –Ruth, Elijah, Paul and Silas (continued)
Weeks 29-32: "Accepting God by Offering My Life!" – Joshua, Easter, Nehemiah
Weeks 33-36: Praise: "Celebrating God for all that He's Done!" – Moses and Miriam
Literacy Modules
Weeks 1-5: Be a Super Citizen
Weeks 6-9: Look Around and Explore!
Weeks 10-12: Meet in the Middle
Weeks 13-14: Once Upon a Time
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Lead the Way!
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-20: Weather Wise
Weeks 21-23: Everyone has a Story
Weeks 24-26: Time to Grow!
Spring Break
Weeks 27-30: Home Sweet Habitat
Weeks 31-36: Many Cultures, One World
Week 1: Numbers and Operations
Weeks 2-6: Addition and Subtraction
Weeks 7-9: Comparing and Ordering to 1,200
Weeks 10-14: Addition and Subtraction: 2-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Addition and Subtraction: 2-Digit and 3-Digit Numbers (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-19: Multiplication and Division
Weeks 20-21: Money
Weeks 22-23: Algebraic Reasoning
Weeks 24-26: Fractions
Spring Break
Weeks 27-31: Geometry and Measurement
Weeks 32-33: Data Analysis
Weeks 34-36: Personal Finance Literacy
Weeks 1-12: Process Skills and Physical Science: Properties of Matter, Changes in Matter, Forces and Motion
Weeks 13-14: Earth Science: God's Creation
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Earth Science: Earth's Surface
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Earth Science: Natural Resources, Earth's Weather and Patterns
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Life Science: Living Things – How Plants and Animals Grow and Change Habitats
Social Studies
Weeks 1-14: American History, Citizenship, Culture, Community
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: American History, Citizenship, Culture, Community (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: American and World Geography
Spring Break
Weeks 27-30: Our Government's Purpose, Public Officials
Weeks 31-36: Economics, Science, Technology
3rd Grade
Complete 3rd Grade Overview
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Spiritual Life/Bible
Weeks 1-3: Identity: "Knowing God and Being His Child" – Jesus' Birth, Childhood, Ministry
Weeks 4-7: Humility: "Lifting God by Lowering Myself" – The Disciples, The Beatitudes, Building on the Rock
Weeks 8-11: Courage: "Choosing God Instead of my Fears!" – "I Am" Statements, The Lord's Prayer, Walking in Love, Born Again
Weeks 12-14: Gratitude: "Thanking God for All That I Have!" – The Gospel, Seeking the Lost, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Generosity: "Sharing God by Giving With Joy!" – Stewardship, Christmas
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-19: Honor: "Loving God by Showing Respect!" – Jesus' Miracles
Weeks 20-22: Integrity: "Trusting God by Living The Truth!" – Lazarus, The Transfiguration, The Holy Spirit, Peter's Transformation
Weeks 23-26: Service: "Showing God by Helping His People!" – Stephen and the Early Church, Saul, Paul
Spring Break
Weeks 27-28: "Showing God by Helping His People!" – Stephen and the Early Church, Saul, Paul (continued)
Weeks 29-32: Praise: "Celebrating God for All That He’s Done!" – Easter, Paul's Missionary Journeys
Weeks 33-36: Joy: "God Saved Us to Give Us Life!" – The Great Commission
Literacy Modules
Weeks 1-6: What a Character!
Weeks 7-9: Teamwork
Weeks 10-13: Animal Behavior
Week 14: From Farm to Table
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: From Farm to Table (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-20: Let Freedom Ring
Weeks 21-23: Make a Difference
Weeks 24-26: Imagine! Invent!
Spring Break
Weeks 27-28: Stories on Stage
Weeks 29-30: Use Your Words
Weeks 31-32: Tell a Tale!
Weeks 33-36: Genre Study
Weeks 1: Numbers and Operations
Weeks 2-6: Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers
Weeks 7-11: Multiplication
Weeks 12-14: Division
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15: Division (continued)
Weeks 16-17: Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers
Christmas Break
Week 18: Multiplying 2-Digit Numbers by 1-Digit Numbers (continued)
Weeks 19-24: Geometry and Measurement
Weeks 25-26: Personal Financial Literacy
Spring Break
Weeks 27-30: Fractions
Weeks 31-32: Data Analysis
Weeks 33-36: Step Up to 4th Grade
Science and Social Studies
Weeks 1-4: Science – Matter/Social Studies Community – Being a Super Citizen
Weeks 5-9: Culture and Community: Influenced by Individuals, Events, and Ideas
Weeks 10-14: Life Science: Structures of Life – Animals, Plants, and Ecosystems
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Life Science: Structures of Life – Animals, Plants, and Ecosystems (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-20: Government and Citizenship: Exemplified by Historical and Contemporary Figures and Organizations
Weeks 21-26: Economics: Our Free Enterprise System Science and Technology – Individuals, Inventions, How They Have Affected Our Life and Communities
Spring Break
Weeks 27-28: Geography
Weeks 29-32: Earth Science: Our Earth, Rocks and Minerals, Our Solar System, Weather and Climate
Weeks 33-36: Physical Science: Matter Energy and Motion Sound
4th Grade
Complete 4th Grade Overview
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Spiritual Life/Bible
Weeks 1-3: Identity: "Knowing God and Being His Child" – God's Word, Abraham, Jacob
Weeks 4-7: Humility: "Lifting God by Lowering Myself" – Joseph, Moses
Weeks 8-11: Courage: "Choosing God Instead of my Fears!" – Joshua and Caleb, Achan, God's Judges, Deborah
Weeks 12-14: Gratitude: "Thanking God for All That I Have!" – Gideon, Samson, Thanksgiving
Week 15: Ruth
Weeks 16-17: Generosity: "Sharing God by Giving With Joy!" – Samuel, Christmas
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Honor: "Loving God by Showing Respect!" – Saul, David
Weeks 22-25: Integrity: "Trusting God by Living The Truth!" – Absalom, Solomon, Israel Divided, Elijah
Week 26: Service: "Showing God by Helping His People!" – Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah
Spring Break
Weeks 27-28: Service: "Showing God by Helping His People!" – Elisha, Isaiah, Jeremiah (continued)
Weeks 29-32: Sacrifice: "Accepting God by Offering My Life!" – Daniel, Easter, Ezra, Nehemiah
Weeks 33-36: Praise: "Celebrating God for All That He’s Done!" – Jesus Christ Is Promised
Literacy Modules
Weeks 1-3: What Makes Us Who We Are?
Weeks 4-6: Come to Your Senses
Weeks 7-9: Rise to the Occasion
Weeks 10-12: Heroic Feats
Weeks 13-14: Art Everywhere
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15: Art Everywhere (continued)
Weeks 16-17: Marvels of Nature
Christmas Break
Week 18: Marvels of Nature (continued)
Weeks 19-21: Tricksters and Tall Tales
Weeks 22-24: Food for Thought
Weeks 25-26: Global Guardians
Spring Break
Week 27: Global Guardians (continued)
Weeks 28-30: Communication Nation
Weeks 31-32: Genre Study: Notification
Weeks 33-36: Genre Study: Fiction
Weeks 1-2: Expectations, Introduction to Math Rotations, Introduction to Problem Solving
Weeks 3-5: Place Values
Weeks 6-9: Adding and Subtracting Whole Numbers and Decimals
Weeks 10-14: Multiplying by 10s, 100s, 1-Digit Numbers
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Multiplying by 2-Digit Numbers
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-19: Understanding Remainders
Weeks 20-21: Dividing by 1-Digit Numbers
Weeks 22-23: Diving by Multi-Digit Numbers
Weeks 24-25: Patterns and Tables
Week 26: Adding and Subtracting Fractions with Like Denominators
Spring Break
Weeks 27-30: Geometry and Measurement
Weeks 31-32: Data Analysis
Weeks 33-36: Personal Financial Literacy
Weeks 1-4: Physical Science: Physical Properties of Matter/Mixtures and Solutions
Weeks 5-8: Physical Science: Forms of Energy/Circuits, Part I
Weeks 9-11: Physical Science: Circuits, Part II/Force and Motion
Weeks 12-14: Earth Science: Creation/Earth's Surface
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Earth Science: Earth's Resources
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-22: Earth Science: Earth's Weather and Water Cycle
Weeks 23-26: Earth Science: Patterns of Change – Earth, Moon, Seasons
Spring Break
Weeks 27-30: Life Science: Processes of Living Things – Plants and Animals
Weeks 31-36: Life Science: Energy in Ecosystems – Needs, Changes, Chains, and Webs
Social Studies
Weeks 1-2: Texas Geography and Economics
Week 3: US Constitution
Weeks 4-8: Native Americans
Weeks 9-11: European Explorers
Weeks 12-14: Texas Missions and Colonization
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Development and War in Texas
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Texas Revolution, Republic of Texas, and The Annexation of Texas
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: 19th and 20th Century Political, Economic and Social Changes in Texas
5th Grade
Complete 5th Grade Overview
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Spiritual Life/Bible
Weeks 1-3: Identity: "Knowing God and Being His Child" – God's Plan, New and Old Testament
Weeks 4-7: Humility: "Lifting God by Lowering Myself" – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Weeks 8-11: Courage: "Choosing God Instead of my Fears!" – Acts, Romans
Weeks 12-14: Gratitude: "Thanking God for All That I Have!" – Romans, Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15: 1 Corinthians
Weeks 16-17: Generosity: "Sharing God by Giving With Joy!" – 1 Corinthians, Christmas
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Honor: "Loving God by Showing Respect!" – 2 Corinthians, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians
Weeks 22-25: Integrity: "Trusting God by Living the Truth!" – Colossians, 1-2 Thessalonians, 1-2 Timothy, Titus
Week 26: Service: "Showing God by Helping His People!" – Philemon, Hebrews, James
Spring Break
Weeks 27-28: Service: "Showing God by Helping His People!" – Philemon, Hebrews, James (continued)
Weeks 29-32: Sacrifice: "Accepting God by Offering My Life!" – Easter, James, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, Jude
Weeks 33-36: Praise: "Celebrating God for All That He's Done!" – Revelation
Literacy Modules
Weeks 1-3: Inventors at Work
Weeks 4-6: What a Story
Weeks 7-9: Natural Disasters
Weeks 10-12: Wild West
Weeks 13-14: Project Earth
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15: Project Earth (continued)
Weeks 16-17: Art for Everyone
Christmas Break
Week 18: Art for Everyone (continued)
Weeks 19-21: Above, Below, and Beyond
Weeks 22-24: A New Home Poetry
Weeks 25-26: Unexpected, Unexplained
Spring Break
Week 27: Unexpected, Unexplained (continued)
Weeks 28-30: The Lives of Animals
Weeks 31-32: Genre Study: Nonfiction
Weeks 33-36: Genre Study: Fiction
Weeks 1-3: Place Value
Weeks 4-7: Whole Numbers and Decimals: Adding, Subtracting, Multiplying
Weeks 8-12: Dividing
Weeks 13-14: Fractions
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Fractions (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-19: Fractions (continued)
Weeks 20-23: Algebraic Reasoning
Weeks 24-26: Geometry and Measurement
Spring Break
Weeks 27-32: Geometry and Measurement (continued)
Weeks 33-36: Data Analysis
Weeks 1-10: Physical Science: Matter, Mixtures, Solutions, Energy (Heat, Sound, Light), Forces and Motion
Weeks 11-14: Earth Science: Creation/Our Earth, Sun, and Moon
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Earth Science: Our Weather and Its Cycles
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Earth Science: Our Weather and Its Cycles (continued)
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Life Science: Living Systems/Energy in the Web of Life/Interactions and Changes in our Ecosystems
Social Studies
Weeks 1-8: European Colonization and the Conflict that led to War, Independence and the Constitution
Weeks 9-14: 19th Century Political, Economic, and Social Changes in the United States
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: 19th Century Political, Economic, and Social Changes in the United States (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: 19th and 20th Century Political, Economic, and Social Changes in the United States
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: 20th and 21st Century Political, Economic, and Social Changes in the United States
6th through 8th Grade
Find full week-by-week breakdowns for 6th through 8th grade in the tabs below. Each grade level is broken down into grade-specific learning categories.
Click here to see one full comprehensive breakdown of all core subjects from 6th through 8th grade.
6th Grade
- Complete 6th Grade Overview
- Bible: God's Story of Redemption
- English, Language Arts, and Reading
- 6th Grade Mathematics and 6th Grade Mathematics Honors
- Science 6
- Ancient Civilizations and Languages
- Digital Life Skills and Leadership
Complete 6th Grade Overview
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Bible: God's Story of Redemption
Weeks 1-9: Before the Foundation Through the Covenant, Part I
Weeks 10-14: Through the Covenant, Part II/Under the Blood
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Christmas: In the Fullness of Time
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Within the Royal House/Through God's Providence/By the Incarnate Word
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Easter: Through Christ Our Redeemer/To the Ends of the Earth/At the Appointed Time
Key Skills
• Observation, Interpretation, and Application Bible Study Method
• Discernment Skills
• Using Cross Referencing Tools in Bible Study
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Tracing the Scarlet Thread of God's Redemptive Plan through the Bible
• All of the Bible points to the Lord Jesus Christ, His sacrifice for us and work in us
English, Language Arts, and Reading
Weeks 1-9: Summer Reading Discussions/Annotation with Signposts/Number the Stars/Narrative Writing
Weeks 10-14: Narrative Writing (continued)
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Maniac Magee
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Maniac Magee (continued)/Informational Writing/Literary Analysis
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Book Club/Argumentative Writing/Research Skills-MLA/Poetry
Key Skills
• Close Reading and Annotation Skills
• Fiction and Nonfiction
• Gramma/Mechanics
• Vocabulary
• Literary Analysis
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Language as a Tool to Relate to God and Others
• Enjoy God's Creativity Through Literature
• Explore Texts Through the Lens of God's Truth
6th Grade Mathematics and 6th Grade Mathematics Honors
Weeks 1-9: The Number System/Positive Rational Numbers/Integers
Weeks 10-14: Numeric Expressions
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Algebraic Expressions and Equations
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Algebraic Equations with Geometry and Proportional Reasoning
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Proportional Reasoning, Percents, and Data Analysis
Key Skills
• Applying Mathematics to Real World Problems
• Problem-Solving Methods
• Financial Literacy
• Mental Math and Number Sense Skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• God created everything with a value and purpose
• The language and beauty of math reflecting God's creativity
• Math is a God-given tool to help us navigate His creation and steward it well
Science 6
Weeks 1-9: What is Science?/Introduction to Matter
Weeks 10-14: Motion and Force, and Work and Machines
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Energy
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Minerals and Rocks
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Earth's Structure, and Earth and Space
Key Skills
• Critical Thinking, Scientific Reasoning, and Problem-Solving Skills
• Lab Safety Skills
• Scientific Inquiry Methods
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Scientific discoveries, observations, complexity, order and beauty of the natural world reveal evidence of God's design and existence
• Science reveals the truth of God through His design
• God is the ultimate creator and sustainer of the universe, Genesis 1:1
Ancient Civilizations and Languages
Weeks 1-9: Foundations/In the Beginning/Geography of Empires
Weeks 10-14: Geography of Empires (continued), Mesopotamia
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Ancient Egypt
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Ancient Greece and Ancient Persia
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Ancient Rome/Spread of Christianity/Research: 7 Ancient Wonders and Ancient Empires
Key Skills
• Critical Thinking Skills
• Interpreting Information from Valid Sources
• Identifying Varying Points of View
• Map and Writing Skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Creation, Fall, and Redemption
• The Sovereignty of God
• My Purpose as God's Image Bearer
• What can we learn from the past in light of what God says?
Digital Life Skills and Leadership
Weeks 1: Connecting
Week 2: Learning to Type
Week 3: Planning and Organization
Weeks 4-6: Seven Traits of a Christian Leader
Weeks 7-9: SMART Goal Setting/Online Identity and Digital Footprint
Weeks 10-14: Stop Mition-BWV thankfullness and gratitude
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Digital Media/Vocabulary/Learning the computer parts
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Vision Boards and Goal Setting/Lego's and Leadership (Daniel 1)/Cyberbullying
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Learning and Doing Tutorials/Keynote presentations/Lego's website creations
Key Skills
• Critical Thinking
• Typing Skills
• myLiberty and Resources
• All things Google Drive
• iPad shortcuts and how-to's
• Cross-curricular support and reinforcing lessons
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Seeing through Jesus' lens
• Qualities of a Christian leader
• Being a leader for Christ
7th Grade
- Complete 7th Grade Overview
- The Life and Triumph of Christ
- English, Language Arts, and Reading
- 7th Grade Mathematics
- 7th Grade Mathematics Honors
- Life Science
- Contemporary World Geography and Cultures
Complete 7th Grade Overview
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The Life and Triumph of Christ
Weeks 1-9: Gospels: God's Redemptive Plan/Preparation for Ministry/Jesus' Ministry: Presenting Himself as the Christ
Weeks 10-14: Responses to Christ/The Coming of Christ's Kingdom
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: The Fulfillment of God's Redemptive Plan
Christmas Break
Weeks 19-27: Acts: The Birth of the Church/The Gospel to the Gentiles/Paul's Missionary Journeys
Spring Break
Weeks 28-36: The Epistles, Revelation: The Church Triumphant (John's Writings)
Key Skills
• Observation, Interpretation, and Application Bible Study Method
• Spiritual Disciplines
• Discernment Skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Recognizing Christ's presence all through Scripture
• Jesus is still alive and active. He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
English, Language Arts, and Reading
Weeks 1-9: Summer Reading/Annotation with Signposts/Insignificant Events in the Life of a Cactus/Literary Analysis/Narrative Writing
Weeks 10-14: The Outsiders/Informational Texts/Poetry
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: The Outsiders/Informational Texts/Poetry (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 19-27: Argumentative Writing Research Skills-MLA
Spring Break
Weeks 28-36: Author's Craft/Literary Analysis/Book Club
Key Skills
• Close Reading and Annotation Skills
• Fiction and Nonfiction
• Grammar/Mechanics
• Vocabulary
• Literary Analysis
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Explore Texts Through the Lens of God's Truth
• Enjoy God's Creativity through Literature
• Language as a Tool to Relate to God and Others
7th Grade Mathematics
Weeks 1-9: Integers and Rational Numbers/One-Variable Equations and Inequalities
Weeks 10-14: Proportions with Rates, Ratios, and Percents/Graphs and Two-Variable Equations
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Similarity
Christmas Break
Weeks 19-27: Probability and Data Representations
Spring Break
Weeks 28-36: Circles and Composite Figures/Volume and Surface Area
Key Skills
• Applying Mathematics to Real-World Problems
• Problem-Solving Methods
• Mental Math and Number Sense Skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Understanding math and its order leads to a greater understanding of God's creation.
• God is the Lord of beauty – symbolized through symmetry in Mathematics.
• Our minds are gifts from God, used to further His glory and honor.
• God is the Lord of all truth; mathematics doesn't change, even though opinions and perspectives do.
7th Grade Mathematics Honors
Weeks 1-9: 7th: Rational Number Operations | 8th: Real Number System | 7th: Proportionality and Plane Geometry
Weeks 10-14: 7th: Equations and Inequalities | 8th: Linear Equations | 7th/8th: Linear Relationships
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: 7th/8th: Surface Area
Christmas Break
Weeks 19-27: 7th/8th: Volume | 8th: Transformations | 8th: Angle Relationships
Spring Break
Weeks 28-36: 8th: Pythagorean Theorem | 7th: Probability | 8th: Scatter Plots and Data | 7th/8th: Personal Financial Literacy
Key Skills
• Applying Mathematics to Real-World Problems
• Problem-Solving Methods
• Mental Math and Number Sense Skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Understanding math and its order leads to a greater understanding of God's creation.
• God is the Lord of beauty – symbolized through symmetry in Mathematics.
• Our minds are gifts from God, used to further His glory and honor.
• God is the Lord of all truth; mathematics doesn't change, even though opinions and perspectives do.
Life Science
Weeks 1-9: Science, Life, and Cells
Weeks 10-14: DNA Structure and Genetics
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Origin of Life
Christmas Break
Weeks 19-27: Microbiology and Plants
Spring Break
Weeks 28-36: Animals
Key Skills
• Critical Thinking, Scientific Reasoning, and Problem-Solving Skills
• Lab Safety Skills
• Scientific Inquiry Methods
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Creation Mandate
• Evidence of God's design in innate behaviors of animals.
• Evidence of God's design in our unique DNA.
• Biomimicry and God's Perfect Design
Contemporary World Geography and Cultures
Weeks 1-9: Northwestern Hemisphere: Research Strategies/Statistics, Potential Trading, and Politics driving economics in our own country as opposed to others
Weeks 10-14: Southwestern Hemisphere: South America and Europe: Communism, Parlaimentary Democracy, and Socialism
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: How the government and/or change in government style effects the citizens. Comparison to different types of government styles found in BC and AD in the Bible.
Christmas Break
Weeks 19-27: Prophecy in the North Eastern hemisphere. Significance of location tied to how the history of a region plays out in today's society and culture. Applying cultural knowledge to missionary work.
Spring Break
Weeks 28-36: Africa and Asia: Experiences, feats, and trials shaping who we are/Serge Gasore novel/Examining and dissecting witness dialogue in the Southeastern hemisphere.
Key Skills
• Research Skills
• Cooperation and Communication
• Cultural Awareness and Empathy
• A Missionary Heart
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Bible Prophecy and its possible application to contemporary world geography.
• Learning about the lives and work of missionaries around the world.
8th Grade
- Complete 8th Grade Overview
- Biblical Worldview Basics
- English, Language Arts, and Reading
- 8th Grade Mathematics
- Algebra I Honors
- Science of the Physical Creation
- US History I
Complete 8th Grade Overview
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Biblical Worldview Basics
Weeks 1-9: What is a worldview? And how should the Bible shape my worldview?
Weeks 10-14: Importance of Scripture and how we know the Bible is the True Word of God. The power of stories and the story of the Bible. Who is the author of the Bible? Creation Mandate and the Fall of Adam and Eve.
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15-17: Importance of Scripture and how we know the Bible is the True Word of God. The power of stories and the story of the Bible. Who is the author of the Bible? Creation Mandate and the Fall of Adam and Eve. (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Effects of Fallen Nature and inherent sin. Second Adam (Christ) redeems us from the fall and its punishments. Who are we in Christ? What is our Biblical identity?
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: How should Christians engage in society? Take a look into other worldviews: Islam, Buddhism, Nones, MTD, and Secularism. Compare these to our Biblical worldview and Scripture.
Key Skills
• Discernment Skills
• How to research and study the Bible
• How to spot and identify false worldviews
• Biblical Identity
• How to know what is sin and what is not
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• To know and understand the nature of God and begin to see the world and culture through the lens of God's Word and the Bible.
English, Language Arts, and Reading
Weeks 1-9: Essential Question: What is a hero? | Reading: Literary Elements | Writing: Informational Vocabulary, Academic Conversation
Weeks 10-14: Essential Question: How do heroes differ in other countries/cultures? | Reading: Foundation Text | Writing: Research | Vocabulary | Oral Presentations
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15-17: Essential Question: How do heroes differ in other countries/cultures? | Reading: Foundation Text | Writing: Research | Vocabulary | Oral Presentations (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Essential Question: What happens when heroes are silenced? | Reading and Writing: Night (student choice and whole class) | Research and Vocabulary | Original Performance or Presentation
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Essential Question: Are heroes born or made? | Reading: Sleeping Freshmen Never Lie | Vocabulary | Writing: Research
Key Skills
• Close Reading and Annotation Skills
• Reading Fiction and Nonfiction
• Grammar/Mechanics
• Vocabulary
• Literary Analysis
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Literature provides evidence of the Fruit of the Spirit
• We are set apart and called to be a light in a dark world
• God in us equips us to be "in the world" but not "of the world"
8th Grade Mathematics
Weeks 1-9: Rational Numbers | Relationships and Computation | Statistics and Univariate Data | Review Expressions and Algebraic Properties | Solve One-Variable Equations and Inequalities
Weeks 10-14: Slope and Y intercept | Proportional and Nonproportional Functions
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15-17: Bivariate Data
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Transformational Geometry Angle and Triangle Relationships
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Personal Financial Literacy Attributes and Measurement
of 3D figures
Key Skills
• Applying Mathematics to Real-World Problems
• Problem-solving Methods
• Mental Math and Number Sense Skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Mathematic truth reflects the nature of God
• Mathematics use order and symmetry to describe God's creation
Algebra I Honors
Weeks 1-9: Linear Equations, Inequalities, and Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Weeks 10-14: Investigating Functions, Properties of Functions,
Linear Functions
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15-17: Linear Functions
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Arithmetic Sequences, Laws of Exponents, Geometric Sequences, Polynomials: Factoring and Expressions
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Quadratic Functions, Radical Expressions, Exponential Functions (If time allows, preview/review Geometry Skills)
Key Skills
• Applying Mathematics to Real-World Problems
• Problem-solving Methods
• Mental Math and Number Sense Skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Mathematic truth reflects the nature of God
• Mathematics use order and symmetry to describe God's creation
Science of the Physical Creation
Weeks 1-9: Building a Foundation: The Basics of Science variables, determining accurate data, experimental design, density, mass, volume, and speed
Weeks 10-14: Interactions and Energy: Energy transfer from one object to another, learning that energy can't be created or destroyed, different types of interactions/forces
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15-17: Interactions and Energy: Energy transfer from one object to another, learning that energy can't be created or destroyed, different types of interactions/forces (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Interactions and Forces: Taking the information learned about interactions and applying them to forces, net force, etc. We also talk about space.
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Interactions and Conservation: Materials and Interactions
shift into energy in a chemistry setting, matter isn't created or destroyed, chemical equations, exothermic and endothermic reactions
Key Skills
• Science in a real-life settings
• Basic scientific math
• Evaluating data and graphs
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Science reveals the truth of God through his design
• That science and the Bible go together
• Science uses order to show God's creation
US History I
Weeks 1-9: Beginnings: Explorers to the Colonies. An understanding of the state of Europe coming out of the dark ages. Looking into human motivations for exploration and conquest. Understanding of how geography shapes the way you live and where you live. Foundations and examples for American self-government.
Weeks 10-14: Independence: The Growing Rift in the New Nation. Foundations of the Atlantic slave trade. Basic Economic concepts: supply and demand, bartering and trading, and the creation of the first universal currency. Foundations of rebellion in the American Revolution. Mistreatment of the colonies by England (Psalms 19:14) Governmental concepts: Representation in government, taxation, and Monarchy vs. Democratic Republic.
Thanksgiving Break
Week 15-17: The Character of a Patriot Interactive Leadership Activity:
Heroes and leaders of the American Revolution. Influence of writing or media on a population ("Common Sense," Boston Massacre propaganda, etc.)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: An American Nation: Beginnings and Early Development. Study of the creation of the American Constitution: Five Constitutional principles, Bill of Rights, Three Branches of Government and their responsibilities (Romans 3:23). Electoral College; learning to read a political map.
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: A House Dividing: The Civil War. Westward Expansion (addition of new lands leads to new problems with slavery) Missouri Compromise, Louisiana Purchase, Mexican American War, California Gold Rush, Compromise of 1850. Legislation that will lead to the Civil War. Role of Branches of government as the war begins, is fought, and comes to an end. Reform Movements (Abolition Movement, Women's Rights, and Prohibition). Industrial Revolution.
Key Skills
• Sequencing of events
• Basic geography (forming a mind map)
• Predicting the impact new technologies
• Reading political maps
• Historical Vocab and Character analysis
• Discerning how geography shapes the way we live
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• We compare and contrast the character of who we are studying to biblical examples of good and bad character (Fruits of the Spirit)
• How we treat each other matters (Golden Rule)
• The words we use matter. What we speak, write, and even read affects how people see us and may affect our interactions with them.
• What does an American look like? Our nation is made up of the peoples of the world and all are made in the image of God. The interaction between all of us matters.
9th through 12th Grade
Find full week-by-week breakdowns for 9th through 12th grade in the tabs below. Each grade level is broken down into grade-specific learning categories.
Click here to see one full comprehensive breakdown of all core subjects from 9th through 12th grade.
9th Grade
- Complete 9th Grade Overview
- The Narrative of the Bible
- English I
- English I Honors
- Algebra I
- Geometry Honors
- Geometry
- Biology Honors
- Biology
- World Geography
- AP Human Geography
Complete 9th Grade Overview
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The Narrative of the Bible
Weeks 1-9: Course Introduction, The Story of the Hebrew Bible, God Creates His Kingdom, From Slaves to Royal Priests, YHWH's Faithfulness, In the Promised Land, The Davidic King
Weeks 10-14: Exile Prophets, The 12 Prophets, Praying the Story, Wisdom Books, Ruth and Esther
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Daniel, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Chronicles
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: The Gospels: Birth, Baptism, Life and Teachings, Passion, and Resurrection of The Messiah
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: The Resurrection of Jesus the Messiah, The Acts of Jesus Through His Church, The Epistles (Letters) of the Church Revelation
Key Skills
• How to identify biblical narrative themes
• How to process different genres of Biblical literature
• How to better understand the context
• How to think about parables
• How to explain the Gospel
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• What is the Story of the Bible?
• Four of the Major Biblical Narrative Themes
• The Bible is the story of all reality.
• How does God work through His people to restore humanity?
• What does it mean to be made in the image of God and how should it impact our lives?
• What is the problem with humanity and history?
• What is the meaning of life and the key to happiness?
• What is the Gospel?
• What is the difference between wisdom and foolishness?
• I am not my own.
• Death is not the end.
• Heaven is not the point.
• God is the source of all.
• Jesus is the King of all.
English I
Weeks 1-9: Summer Reading | To Kill a Mockingbird | Vocabulary, Grammar, and Literary Terms
Weeks 10-14: APA Research Paper | Romeo and Juliet | Nonfiction Choice Book
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Vocabulary, Grammar, and Literary Terms
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: The Scarlet Pimpernel Short Stories | Vocabulary, Grammar, and Literary Terms | Poetry Analysis
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Lord of the Flies | Cyrano de Bergerac Short Stories | Vocabulary and Poetry Analysis | Chicago Short Research Paper
Key Skills
• Reading Skills: Students gain the ability and confidence to read and think critically in regard to any text – fiction or nonfiction – from a variety of time periods.
• Writing: Students understand the concepts and demonstrate the skills necessary to synthesize sources, organize an argumentative paper, and apply the mechanics of proper grammar and writing. (Essays, APA, and Chicago formats)
• Speaking: Students understand and demonstrate the skills needed to speak confidently before an audience.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• All of the reading assignments point to our Big Question for the year: How have authors from around the world impacted our morals and values? How does each writing line up with God's Truth?
English I Honors
Weeks 1-9: Summer Reading | To Kill a Mockingbird | Vocabulary, Grammar, and Literary Terms
Weeks 10-14: APA Research Paper | Romeo and Juliet | Nonfiction Choice Book
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Vocabulary, Grammar, and Literary Terms
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: The Scarlet Pimpernel Short Stories | Vocabulary, Grammar, and Literary Terms | Poetry Analysis
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Lord of the Flies | Cyrano de Bergerac Short Stories | Vocabulary and Poetry Analysis | Chicago Short Research Paper
Key Skills
• Reading Skills: Students gain the ability and confidence to read and think critically in regard to any text – fiction or nonfiction – from a variety of time periods.
• Writing: Students understand the concepts and demonstrate the skills necessary to synthesize sources, organize an argumentative paper, and apply the mechanics of proper grammar and writing. (Essays, APA, and Chicago formats)
• Speaking: Students understand and demonstrate the skills needed to speak confidently before an audience.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• All of the reading assignments point to our Big Question for the year: How have authors from around the world impacted our morals and values? How does each writing line up with God's Truth?
Algebra I
Weeks 1-9: Linear Equations | Inequalities | Systems of Equations and Inequalities
Weeks 10-14: Investigating Functions | Properties of Functions | Linear Functions
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Linear Functions
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Arithmetic Sequences | Laws of Exponents | Geometric Sequences | Polynomials: Factoring and Expressions
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Quadratic Functions | Radical Expressions | Exponential Functions | Geometric Skills
Key Skills
• Applying Mathematics to Real-World Problems
• Problem-solving Methods
• TI-84 Plus skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Mathematic truth reflects the nature of God.
• Mathematics uses order and symmetry to describe God's creation.
Geometry Honors
Weeks 1-9: Tools of Geometry Reasoning and Proof | Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Weeks 10-14: Congruent Triangles and Relationships within Triangles
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Polygons
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Quadrilaterals, Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Area, Circles, Surface Area, Volume, and Transformations
Key Skills
• Logical Reasoning
• Proof Model of Arguing
• Deductive vs. Inductive
• Calculating Slope, Area, and Volume
• Similarity vs. Congruence
• Problem Solving
• Understanding a variety of Units of Measure
• Geometric Constructions
• Identifying Symmetry
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Math is the language of the universe. Studying this language gives us insight into God's wisdom and creativity in making our universe.
• Proving a Creator through Laws and Theorems
• Using proof model to support The Gospel
• Learning how to understand Scripture through logical reasoning
• God's perfect creation
Weeks 1-9: Tools of Geometry Reasoning and Proof | Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Weeks 10-14: Congruent Triangles and Relationships within Triangles
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Polygons
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Quadrilaterals, Similarity, Right Triangles, and Trigonometry
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Area, Circles, Surface Area, Volume, and Transformations
Key Skills
• Logical Reasoning
• Proof Model of Arguing
• Deductive vs. Inductive
• Calculating Slope, Area, and Volume
• Similarity vs. Congruence
• Problem Solving
• Understanding a variety of Units of Measure
• Geometric Constructions
• Identifying Symmetry
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Math is the language of the universe. Studying this language gives us insight into God's wisdom and creativity in making our universe.
• Proving a Creator through Laws and Theorems
• Using proof model to support The Gospel
• Learning how to understand Scripture through logical reasoning
• God's perfect creation
Biology Honors
Weeks 1-9: Introduction, Chemistry, and Cells
Weeks 10-14: Cellular Energy and Genetics
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Cellular Energy and Genetics (continued) | Earth's Origins
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Small Kingdoms, Botany, and Animals
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Small Kingdoms, Botany, and Animals (continued) | Human Body | Ecology
Key Skills
• Critical Thinking
• Higher-order thinking skills such as analysis and evaluation of scientific claims and evidence.
• Reading Comprehension and effective use of written resources.
• Effective Study Skills and Strategies
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• God created all life (Genesis 1)
• Everything created has value and purpose (Proverbs 16:4)
• God created genetic boundaries/designations: male and female (Genesis 1 and 2)
• Environmental Biology: Man is charged with being a wise steward of creation (Genesis 1 and 2)
• Human Biology: Man's uniqueness-created in the image of God (Genesis 1)
• Bioethical Issues: Looking at disease, suffering, pain, and healing through a biblical worldview lens. (James 5, Psalm 103, 2 Corinthians 4, Galatians 6)
Weeks 1-9: Introduction, Chemistry, and Cells
Weeks 10-14: Cellular Energy and Genetics
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Cellular Energy and Genetics (continued) | Earth's Origins
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Small Kingdoms, Botany, and Animals
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Small Kingdoms, Botany, and Animals (continued) | Human Body | Ecology
Key Skills
• Critical Thinking
• Higher-order thinking skills such as analysis and evaluation of scientific claims and evidence.
• Reading Comprehension and effective use of written resources.
• Effective Study Skills and Strategies
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• God created all life (Genesis 1)
• Everything created has value and purpose (Proverbs 16:4)
• God created genetic boundaries/designations: male and female (Genesis 1 and 2)
• Environmental Biology: Man is charged with being a wise steward of creation (Genesis 1 and 2)
• Human Biology: Man's uniqueness-created in the image of God (Genesis 1)
• Bioethical Issues: Looking at disease, suffering, pain, and healing through a biblical worldview lens. (James 5, Psalm 103, 2 Corinthians 4, Galatians 6)
World Geography
Weeks 1-9: The World as God Made It | The World as Man Subdues It | Infrastructure in Society
Weeks 10-14: North America and Latin America
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Europe and Russia
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Africa and the Middle East
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Asia, Australia, and the Pacific Realms
Key Skills
• Analyzing current events.
• Identifying important locations and physical features on a map.
• Using critical thinking: (1) to identify and compare economic, political, social and cultural processes in various world areas and (2) to describe the environment's impact on humans as well as human's impact of the environment.
• Identifying and analyzing characteristics of more developed and less developed countries.
• AP Emphasis: Collecting, analyzing, and making conclusions based on data.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Creation mandate: God created the Earth for humans to use and protect.
• All human beings are made in the image of God and have inherent dignity and worth.
• As Christians, we should understand God's people in order to be prepared to share the Gospel.
• An understanding of others' worldviews allows us to better teach them of a biblical worldview.
• Developing a biblical worldview to combat the pervading relativism of our time while still honoring and respecting others.
• Justice and mercy are central to God's character and should be reflected in human societies.
AP Human Geography
Weeks 1-9: Introductory Concepts | Population and Migration
Weeks 10-14: Cultures and Political Structures
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Ethnicity
Christmas Break
Weeks: 18-26: Agriculture and Urban Patterns
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Industry | Economics | AP Exam Review/Prep
Key Skills
• Analyzing current events.
• Identifying important locations and physical features on a map.
• Using critical thinking: (1) to identify and compare economic, political, social and cultural processes in various world areas and (2) to describe the environment's impact on humans as well as human's impact of the environment.
• Identifying and analyzing characteristics of more developed and less developed countries.
• AP Emphasis: Collecting, analyzing, and making conclusions based on data.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Creation mandate: God created the Earth for humans to use and protect.
• All human beings are made in the image of God and have inherent dignity and worth.
• As Christians, we should understand God's people in order to be prepared to share the Gospel.
• An understanding of others' worldviews allows us to better teach them of a biblical worldview.
• Developing a biblical worldview to combat the pervading relativism of our time while still honoring and respecting others.
• Justice and mercy are central to God's character and should be reflected in human societies.
10th Grade
- Complete 10th Grade Overview
- In The Steps of Paul
- English II Honors
- English II
- Algebra II Honors
- Algebra II
- Chemistry Honors
- Chemistry
- AP World History
- World History
Complete 10th Grade Overview
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In The Steps of Paul
Weeks 1-8: Acts 1-4: Pentecost, Birth of the Early Church, Themes of the Early Church: Unity, Generosity and Boldness, Call to Compassion, How to be a Confident Witness
Weeks 9-14: Acts 5-8: Reading God's Word in Context, Simon the Sorcerer, Ethiopian Eunuch, Ananias and Sapphira, Stoning of Stephen
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Saul's Conversion
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Major Themes in Paul's Letters: Saved by Grace, Redeemed and Used by God, Living for God, Humility and Serving
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Paul's Missionary Journeys, Epistles
Key Skills
• Reading Scripture in context
• Methods and opportunities for studying and interpreting the Scripture
• Applying key Bible themes from The Epistles to life
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• God reveals Himself to humans through His written Word, the Bible.
• All believers in Christ are an integral part of the Body of Christ – His church, the family of God.
• God is sovereign over all things, including all nations, and all of creation.
• Moral order is determined by God, not invented by humans.
• The Gospel
• All authority comes from God.
• The character and nature of God.
English II Honors
Weeks 1-8: Summer Reading: The Count of Monte Cristo | Ancient Greece – Medea, Antigone | Vocabulary, Spelling, and Grammar | Chicago Research Paper
Weeks 9-14: Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing, Julius Caesar | Self-Selected Nonfiction | Gifted Hands/Trevor Noah: Born a Crime or Hiding in the Light
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Shakespeare: Much Ado About Nothing, Julius Caesar | Self-Selected Nonfiction | Gifted Hands/Trevor Noah: Born a Crime or Hiding in the Light (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Things Fall Apart | Cry the Beloved Country | APA Research Paper | Tartuffe and Play Project
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: A Tale of Two Cities | Literary Analysis
Key Skills
• Reading Skills: Students gain the ability and confidence to read and think critically in regard to any text – fiction or nonfiction – from a variety of time periods.
• Writing: Students understand the concepts and demonstrate the skills necessary to synthesize sources, organize an argumentative paper, and apply the mechanics of proper grammar and writing. (Essays, APA, and MLA format).
• Speaking: Students understand and demonstrate the skills needed to speak confidently before an audience.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• All of the reading assignments point to our Big Question for the year: How have authors from around the world impacted our morals and values? How does each writing line up with God's Truth?
English II
Weeks 1-8: Summer Reading: A Separate Peace | Ancient Greece – Medea, Antigone | Vocabulary, Spelling, and Grammar | Chicago Research Paper
Weeks 9-14: Shakespeare | Self-Selected Nonfiction | Gifted Hands/Trevor Noah: Born a Crime or Hiding in the Light
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Shakespeare | Self-Selected Nonfiction | Gifted Hands/Trevor Noah: Born a Crime or Hiding in the Light (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Things Fall Apart | APA Research Paper | Tartuffe and Play Project
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: A Tale of Two Cities | Literary Analysis
Key Skills
• Reading Skills: Students gain the ability and confidence to read and think critically in regard to any text – fiction or nonfiction – from a variety of time periods.
• Writing: Students understand the concepts and demonstrate the skills necessary to synthesize sources, organize an argumentative paper, and apply the mechanics of proper grammar and writing. (Essays, APA, and MLA format).
• Speaking: Students understand and demonstrate the skills needed to speak confidently before an audience.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• All of the reading assignments point to our Big Question for the year: How have authors from around the world impacted our morals and values? How does each writing line up with God's Truth?
Algebra II Honors
Weeks 1-8: Linear Functions and Systems, Quadratic Functions and Equations, and Polynomial Functions
Weeks 9-14: Rational Functions
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Rational Exponents
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Radical Functions, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions, Trigonometric Functions
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Trigonometric Functions, Trigonometric Equations and Identities, Conic Sections, Matrices, Statistics, and Probability
Key Skills
• Apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace.
• Analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas using symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language.
• Use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution.
• Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas.
• Select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems.
• Analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas.
• Display, explain, or justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• A biblical worldview recognizes the importance of seeking truth, including mathematical truth, and using it for wisdom and understanding.
• Mathematical concepts and laws are a reflection of the orderly and rational nature of God's creation.
• The Bible teaches the importance of wisdom and understanding, and mathematics can play a role in developing these qualities.
Algebra II
Weeks 1-8: Linear Functions and Systems | Quadratic Functions and Equations
Weeks 9-14: Polynomial Functions | Rational Functions
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Rational Exponents
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Radical Functions | Exponential Functions
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Trigonometric Functions | Conics
Key Skills
• Apply mathematics to problems arising in everyday life, society, and the workplace.
• Analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas using symbols, diagrams, graphs, and language.
• Use a problem-solving model that incorporates analyzing given information, formulating a plan or strategy, determining a solution, justifying the solution, and evaluating the problem-solving process and the reasonableness of the solution.
• Create and use representations to organize, record, and communicate mathematical ideas.
• Select tools, including real objects, manipulatives, paper and pencil, and technology as appropriate, and techniques, including mental math, estimation, and number sense as appropriate, to solve problems.
• Analyze mathematical relationships to connect and communicate mathematical ideas.
• Display, explain, or justify mathematical ideas and arguments using precise mathematical language in written or oral communication.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• A biblical worldview recognizes the importance of seeking truth, including mathematical truth, and using it for wisdom and understanding.
• Mathematical concepts and laws are a reflection of the orderly and rational nature of God's creation.
• The Bible teaches the importance of wisdom and understanding, and mathematics can play a role in developing these qualities.
Chemistry Honors
Weeks 1-8: Foundational Concepts and Classifying Matter
Weeks 9-14: Atomic Theory, The Periodic Table, Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic Bonds
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Chemical Reactions and Redox
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: The Mole and Stoichiometry, Covalent Bonding and Hydrocarbons, States of Matter
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Energy and Chemical Change, Mixtures and Solutions, Acids and Bases, Nuclear Chemistry
Key Skills
• Learn how to communicate scientific ideas.
• Be exposed to and engage in activities that involve problem solving and reasoning with chemical concepts to help them develop their scientific literacy.
• Be exposed to and engage in activities that involve problem solving and reasoning with chemical concepts to help them develop their scientific literacy.
• Understand the interactions of matter at the macroscopic and particulate levels, as well as symbolically.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Understand that God is Creator of the natural world, including all matter.
• Understand that God's attributes can be seen in the things He has made.
• Understand that God's attributes can be seen in the things He has made.
• Describe Creation in terms of chemistry and scripture.
Weeks 1-8: Foundational Concepts and Classifying Matter
Weeks 9-14: Atomic Theory, The Periodic Table, Ionic, Covalent, and Metallic Bonds
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Chemical Reactions and Redox
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: The Mole and Stoichiometry, Covalent Bonding and Hydrocarbons, States of Matter
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Energy and Chemical Change, Mixtures and Solutions, Acids and Bases, Nuclear Chemistry
Key Skills
• Learn how to communicate scientific ideas.
• Be exposed to and engage in activities that involve problem solving and reasoning with chemical concepts to help them develop their scientific literacy.
• Be exposed to and engage in activities that involve problem solving and reasoning with chemical concepts to help them develop their scientific literacy.
• Understand the interactions of matter at the macroscopic and particulate levels, as well as symbolically.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Understand that God is Creator of the natural world, including all matter.
• Understand that God's attributes can be seen in the things He has made.
• Understand that God's attributes can be seen in the things He has made.
• Describe Creation in terms of chemistry and scripture.
AP World History
Weeks 1-8: Foundations (Prehistory – 1200 AD) | Post-Classical (1200-1450 AD)
Weeks 9-14: Early Modern Era (1450-1750 AD)
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Early Modern Era (1450-1750 AD) (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Modern Era (1750-1900) and Contemporary (1900-2012)
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Contemporary (1900-2012, continued) | AP Exam Review/Prep
Key Skills
• Document analysis
• Historical Reasoning Skills – compare/contrast, continuity/change, cause/effect
• Argumentative essay writing
• Historical periodization
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Developing an understanding of the value of biblical worldview in the creation of government systems.
• Creation – God's plan from the beginning of history.
• Developing a biblical worldview to combat the pervading relativism of our time while still honoring and respecting others.
• Comparison and impact of world religions.
• All human beings are made in the image of God and have inherent dignity and worth.
• Justice and mercy are central to God's character and should be reflected in human societies.
World History
Weeks 1-8: The Ancient World, The Eastern World, African, and The Americas
Weeks 9-14: The Medieval World
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: The Medieval World (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: The Awakening World and The Enlightened World
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: World Wars and Global Engagement | The Modern World
Key Skills
• Document analysis
• Historical Reasoning Skills – compare/contrast, continuity/change, cause/effect
• Argumentative essay writing
• Historical periodization
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Developing an understanding of the value of biblical worldview in the creation of government systems.
• Creation – God's plan from the beginning of history.
• Developing a biblical worldview to combat the pervading relativism of our time while still honoring and respecting others.
• Comparison and impact of world religions.
• All human beings are made in the image of God and have inherent dignity and worth.
• Justice and mercy are central to God's character and should be reflected in human societies.
11th Grade
- Complete 11th Grade Overview
- Understanding the Times and Culture
- English III American Literature
- AP English Language and Composition
- Precalculus
- AP Precalculus
- Physics
- AP Physics I
- US History
- AP US History
Complete 11th Grade Overview
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Understanding the Times and Culture
Weeks 1-8: The Battle of Ideas and Christianity: Authentic vs. Cultural
Weeks 9-14: Islam, Secularism, and Marxism
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: New Spirituality and Postermodernism
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Introduction to Culture and Christian Impact, The Body, Drugs and Alcohol, and Abortion
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Gender, Sexuality and Marriage, the Use of Force, and Justice
Key Skills
• Understanding and learning about the six dominating worldviews in our Western Culture.
• Understanding what a Biblical Worldview is.
• Defining the difference between authentic and cultural Christianity in our culture today.
• Knowing what Scripture says regarding each of the "hot topics" addressed in our culture today.
• Students will leave knowing what they believe and what a Biblical Worldview says.
• The ability to formulate, articulate, and defend their own positions biblically.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• All of this course is designed to equip students with a clear understanding of what a Biblical Worldview is (opposed to other worldviews) and to formulate their own positions on different topics that are relevant in our world based upon what God's Word says.
English III American Literature
Weeks 1-8: Virtuous Minds | The Scarlet Letter | The Colonial and Revolutionary Periods
Weeks 9-14: Romanticism | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Various Short Stories
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Romanticism | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Various Short Stories (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Realism and Modernism | The Great Gatsby | Various Short Stories
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Twelve Modern American Poets | Fahrenheit 451 | The Old Man and the Sea | Various Short Stories
Key Skills
• Reading Skills: Students gain the ability and confidence to read and think critically in regard to any text – fiction or nonfiction – from a variety of time periods.
• Writing: Students understand the concepts and demonstrate the skills necessary to synthesize sources, organize an argumentative paper, and apply the mechanics of proper grammar and writing (Essays, APA, and MLA format).
• Speaking: Students understand and demonstrate the skills needed to speak confidently before an audience.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• All of the reading assignments point to our Big Questions for the year: How have/do American authors impact our morals and values? How does each writing line up with God's Truth?
AP English Language and Composition
Weeks 1-8: Virtuous Minds | The Scarlet Letter | The Colonial and Revolutionary Periods
Weeks 9-14: Romanticism | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Various Short Stories | Nonfiction Choice Read
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Romanticism | The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Various Short Stories (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Realism and Modernism | The Great Gatsby | Various Short Stories
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Twelve Modern American Poets | Nonfiction Choice Read | The Old Man and the Sea | Various Short Stories
Key Skills
• Reading Skills: Students gain the ability and confidence to read and think critically in regard to any text – fiction or nonfiction – from a variety of time periods.
• Writing: Students understand the concepts and demonstrate the skills necessary to synthesize sources, organize an argumentative paper, and apply the mechanics of proper grammar and writing (Essays, APA, and MLA format).
• Speaking: Students understand and demonstrate the skills needed to speak confidently before an audience.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• All of the reading assignments point to our Big Questions for the year: How have/do American authors impact our morals and values? How does each writing line up with God's Truth?
Weeks 1-8: Functions: Graphs, Linear Equations, Quadratic, Polynomial, and Rational
Weeks 9-14: Exponential Functions and Basic Trigonometry
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Graphing Trig Functions and Inverse Trig Functions
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Solving Oblique Triangles, Systems and Matrices, and Conics
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Discrete Mathematics, Probability and Statistics, Introduction to Calculus
Key Skills
• Students will be able to use graphing and algebraic methods for solving linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and trigonometric equations.
• Students will be able to apply mathematical reasoning to real-world scenarios relating to linear, quadratic, polynomial, rational, exponential, and trigonometric models.
• Students will be able to calculate limits using the definition of a derivative through the difference quotient.
• Students will be able to identify and describe domain and range for the basic functions including: linear, quadratic, cubic, square root, cubic root, sine, cosine, absolute value, rational.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Mathematics is the language by which God spoke the world into existence. It contains order and consistency which are attributes of God. We need to study mathematics because we are commanded to subdue the earth and all that is therein. By extension, this must also include this language. We also understand that mathematics is held together by Christ himself.
AP Precalculus
Weeks 1-8: Polynomial and Rational Functions
Weeks 9-14: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Graphing Trig Functions and Inverse Trig Functions
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Trigonometric and Polar Functions
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Preparing for the Exam
Key Skills
• Solve equations and inequalities represented analytically, with and without technology. Describe the characteristics of a function with varying levels of precision, depending on the function representation and available mathematical tools.
• Express functions, equations, or expressions in analytically equivalent forms that are useful in a given mathematical or applied context. Apply numerical results in a given mathematical or applied context. Support conclusions or choices with a logical rationale or appropriate data.
• Construct new functions, using transformations, compositions, inverses, or regressions, that may be useful in modeling contexts, criterial or data, with and without technology.
• Identify information from graphical, numerical, analytical, and verbal representations to answer a question or construct a model with and without technology.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Mathematics is the language by which God spoke the world into existence. It contains order and consistency which are attributes of God. We need to study mathematics because we are commanded to subdue the earth and all that is therein. By extension, this must also include this language. We also understand that mathematics is held together by Christ himself.
Weeks 1-8: Mechanics
Weeks 9-14: Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Oscillations, Waves, Sound, and Optics
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Electricity and Magnetism
Key Skills
• Critical thinking skills: Students learn to analyze equations and data, recognize patterns, and build mental models of physical systems and situations.
• Math skills: Students practice algebraically manipulating equations and analyzing graphs to extract information about trends and system behavior. They develop familiarity with the concept that the physical world is governed by mathematical laws and that we can predict how objects will move through calculations.
• Problem-solving skills: Students decompose complicated problems and solve each part separately.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• This course attempts to show the beauty of God's creation and his infinite wisdom in creating it. We explore these ideas through trying to answer some of the "how" and "why" questions regarding our universe and the laws that govern it.
Truth is a foundational concept of this course. The universe works the way God designed it to, not the way we wish it to. We have no say in this.
AP Physics I
Weeks 1-8: Kinematics and Dynamics: Newton's Laws of Motion
Weeks 9-14: Circular Motion, Gravitation and Orbits, Rotational Motion and Torque
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Conservation of Momentum
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Conservation of Energy, Oscillations, Mechanical Waves and Sound, and Electrostatics
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Simple DC Circuits | AP Exam Review and Prep
Key Skills
• Learn to think
• Process paradigm
• Insist on context
• Pursue "the why"
• Learn to learn
• Learn to struggle well and fail forward
• Learn to steward your time and effort well
• Discover who you are
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• "The heavens declare the glory of God ... Day after day they pour forth speech ... their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." Psalm 19
• " ... what may be known about God is plain to men, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made ... " Romans 1
US History
Weeks 1-8: Quest: Reconstruction, Gilded Age
Weeks 9-14: Expansion West
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Leadership: America in the 1920s
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Leadership: America in the 1930s and World Leadership: WWII through the Cold War
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: The Modern Presidency: Richard Nixon through George W. Bush
Key Skills
• Students will have the ability to read primary source documents (speeches; political cartoons; excerpts from treaties; presidential orders and communications; congressional bills; constitutional amendments; Supreme Court case decisions, minority and majority opinions; period music lyrics; photographs) and make historical assessments to compare with secondary sources.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Opportunities for Christian worldview and Biblical narrative analogy that arise from primary source documents as well as course content where Christian apologetics can be brought to bear to emphasize the truth they hold.
• New ideas that counter biblical truth that rise in American society in the 1920s with relativism as foundation and set God as creator in contrast with scientific method and opposing conditional theories are contrasted with Christian worldview.
• The study of the history of the church and mainline Christian denominations in US history is a regular feature where many clashes between modernism and Christian fundamentalism and the veracity and completeness of Scripture can be covered.
AP US History
Weeks 1-8: Forging an Industrial Society
Weeks 9-14: Struggling for Justice at Home and Abroad
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Tests for the "Greatest Generation"
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Tests for the "Greatest Generation" (continued)
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Making Modern America
Key Skills
• Skills designed to write structured competent history essays that include thesis formation, details, facts, and ideas that support the thesis.
• Writing skills will also emphasize incorporating history skills in essay conclusions that express compare and contrast ability; continuity and change over time; cause and effect.
• Writing skills will demonstrate different abilities to produce short-answer; document-based analysis; and free-response essay technique. The flow and connectivity between paragraphs and sections of the essay will be mastered as well.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths• Opportunities for Christian worldview and Biblical narrative analogy that arise from primary source documents as well as course content where Christian apologetics can be brought to bear to emphasize the truth they hold.
• New ideas that counter biblical truth that rise in American society in the 1920s with relativism as foundation and set God as creator in contrast with scientific method and opposing conditional theories are contrasted with Christian worldview.
• The study of the history of the church and mainline Christian denominations in US history is a regular feature where many clashes between modernism and Christian fundamentalism and the veracity and completeness of Scripture can be covered.
12th Grade
- Complete 12th Grade Overview
- Biblical Electives
- English IV British Literature
- AP English Literature and Composition
- Intermediate Algebra
- College Algebra
- Calculus
- AP Calculus AB
- AP Calculus BC
- Statistics
- AP Statistics
- Science Electives
- Macroeconomics
- AP Macroeconomics
- US Government
- AP US Government and Politics
- AP Microeconomics
Complete 12th Grade Overview
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Biblical Electives
1st and/or 2nd Semester
• Understanding the Faith
• Cultural Theology Intro to Christian Ethics
• Discipleship and Christian Living
• Intro to Logic
• The Supernatural Context of the Bible
• Biblical Foundations
• Click here for course descriptions.
1st or 2nd Semester Dual Enrollment Courses
• New Testament/Old Testament Survey
• Introduction to Apologetics
• History of Christianity
• Intro to Systematic Theology
• Click here for course descriptions.
C.S. Lewis in Film and Literature
• Click here for course descriptions.
English IV British Literature
Weeks 1-14: Summer Reading | Anglo-Saxon Era | Vocabulary | Chicago Paper | Beowulf
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Medieval Era | Macbeth | Canterbury Tales
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Frankenstein | Vocabulary
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: The Screwtape Letters | The Importance of Being Earnest
Key Skills
• Reading Skills: Students gain the ability and confidence to read and think critically in regard to any text – fiction or nonfiction – from a variety of time periods.
• Writing: Students understand the concepts and demonstrate the skills necessary to synthesize sources, organize an argumentative paper, and apply the mechanics of proper grammar and writing (Essays, APA, and MLA format).
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• How do the writings and the characters' lives line up with Biblical truths?
AP English Literature and Composition
Weeks 1-14: Summer Reading | Anglo-Saxon Era | Vocabulary | Chicago Paper | Beowulf
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Medieval Era | Macbeth | Canterbury Tales
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Gothic Choice Novel | Vocabulary
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36:The Importance of Being Earnest | Choice Novel for AP Exam
Key Skills
• Reading Skills: Students gain the ability and confidence to read and think critically in regard to any text – fiction or nonfiction – from a variety of time periods.
• Writing: Students understand the concepts and demonstrate the skills necessary to synthesize sources, organize an argumentative paper, and apply the mechanics of proper grammar and writing (Essays, APA, and MLA format).
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• How do the writings and the characters' lives line up with Biblical truths?
Intermediate Algebra
Weeks 1-5: Pre-Algebra Review
Weeks 6-9: Equations, Inequalities, and Applications
Weeks 10-14: Graphing and Functions
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Graphing and Functions (continued)
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-26: Systems of Linear Equations
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Conic Sections, Additional Properties of Functions, Logarithmic and Exponential Functions
Key Skills
• Intermediate Algebra is designed to help build key techniques that students are weak in. We try to fill in skills that are difficult for many students.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• The Bible teaches the importance of wisdom and understanding, and mathematics can play a role in developing these qualities.
College Algebra
Weeks 1-3: Review of Basic Algebra, Equations and Inequalities
Weeks 4-8: Equations and Inequalities
Weeks 9-13: Graphs and Functions
Week 14: Polynomial Functions
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Rational Functions
Weeks 18-20: Inverse, Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Weeks 21-23: Systems and Matrices
Weeks 24-26: Analytical Geometry
Spring Break
Weeks 27-36: Further Topics in Algebra
Key Skills
• Dual Credit College Algebra gives our students a chance to earn both high school credit and college credit. It will transfer to almost any college a student wishes to attend.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• The Bible teaches the importance of wisdom and understanding, and mathematics can play a role in developing these qualities.
Weeks 1-4: Precalculus Review
Weeks 5-8: Limits and Their Properties
Weeks 9-14: Derivatives
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Applications of Derivatives
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Sums and Integrals
Weeks 22-26: Integration Techniques
Spring Break
Weeks 27-31: Differential Equations
Weeks 32-36: Applications of Integration
Key Skills
• Algebraic skills: Graphing, manipulating and solving equations, interpreting slopes, working with exponents and fractions.
• Geometry skills: Calculate circumference, area, and volume for different shapes.
• Critical thinking/mathematical reasoning: Students are able to logically follow multi-step processes in pursuit of solutions to complex problems. They apply conceptual knowledge to new situations and break large problems into constituent pieces.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Math is the language of the universe. Studying this language gives us insight into God's wisdom and creativity in making our universe.
AP Calculus AB
Weeks 1-3: Limits and Their Properties
Weeks 4-7: Derivatives
Weeks 8-11: Applications of Derivatives
Weeks 12-14: Integrals
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Transcendental
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Functions
Weeks 22-26: Differential Equations
Spring Break
Weeks 27-29: Volume
Weeks 30-36: AP Exam Review and Practice
Key Skills
• Learn to Think
• Learn to Learn
• Discover Who You Are
• Learn to Struggle Well and Fail Forward
• Learn to Steward Your Time and Effort
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• "The heavens declare the glory of God ... Day after day they pour forth speech ... their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." Psalm 19
• "What may be known about God is plain to men ... for since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made ..." Romans 1
AP Calculus BC
Weeks 1-3: Limits and Their Properties
Weeks 4-7: Derivatives
Weeks 8-11: Applications of Derivatives
Weeks 12-14: Integrals
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Transcendental
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Functions
Weeks 22-26: Differential Equations
Spring Break
Weeks 27-29: Volume
Weeks 30-36: AP Exam Review and Practice
Key Skills
• Learn to Think
• Learn to Learn
• Discover Who You Are
• Learn to Struggle Well and Fail Forward
• Learn to Steward Your Time and Effort
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• "The heavens declare the glory of God ... Day after day they pour forth speech ... their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world." Psalm 19
• "What may be known about God is plain to men ... for since the creation of the world, God's invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made ..." Romans 1
Weeks 1-3: One-Variable Data
Weeks 4-7: Two-Variable Data
Weeks 8-11: Linear Regression
Weeks 12-14: Sampling and Experiments
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Probability
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Sampling Distributions
Weeks 22-26: One-Variable Inference
Spring Break
Weeks 27-29: Two-Variable Inference
Weeks 30-36: Final Project and Exam Review
Key Skills
• Visualizing Data
• Describing Data Relationships
• Making Predictions with Data
• Applying Data Analysis in Real-World Scenarios
• Building Analytical Thinking Skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Ethical Data Collection and Experimentation
• Seeing people as created in His image (Genesis 1)
AP Statistics
Weeks 1-3: One-Variable Data
Weeks 4-7: Two-Variable Data
Weeks 8-11: Linear Regression
Weeks 12-14: Sampling and Experiments
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Probability
Christmas Break
Weeks 18-21: Sampling Distributions
Weeks 22-26: One-Variable Inference
Spring Break
Weeks 27-29: Two-Variable Inference
Weeks 30-36: AP Exam Review
Key Skills
• Visualizing Data
• Describing Data Relationships
• Making Predictions with Data
• Applying Data Analysis in Real-World Scenarios
• Building Analytical Thinking Skills
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Ethical Data Collection and Experimentation
• Seeing people as created in His image (Genesis 1)
Science Electives
• AP Biology
• AP Chemistry
• Physics
• AP Physics 1
• AP Physics C: Mechanics
• AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
• AP Environmental Science
• Forensic Science
• Anatomy and Physiology
• Click here for course descriptions.
Weeks 1-3: Basic Economic Concepts
Weeks 4-6: Economic Measures and Cycles
Weeks 7-11: Economic Systems
Weeks 12-14: Market Structures and Money
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: The Fed and International Economics
Christmas Break
Key Concepts, skills, and truths listed apply to first and second semester Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and US Government courses.
Key Skills
• Small to Large Scale Connections
• Graph Recognition and Manipulation
• Economic Plan Development Based on Data Analytics
• Collaboration
• Life Application of Economic Principles
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Rooted in Christ
• Choices Matter
• Power of Observation
• Wise Economists
• Beautiful Community
• Wise Leadership
• Talented Thinkers
AP Macroeconomics
Weeks 1-3: Basic Economic Concepts
Weeks 4-6: Economic Indicators and Business Cycle
Weeks 7-9: National Income and Price Determination
Weeks 10-11: Financial Sector
Weeks 12-14: Long-run Consequences and Stabilization Policies
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Open Economics, Inter-trade, and Finance
Christmas Break
Key Concepts, skills, and truths listed apply to first and second semester Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and US Government courses.
Key Skills
• Small to Large Scale Connections
• Graph Recognition and Manipulation
• Economic Plan Development Based on Data Analytics
• Collaboration
• Life Application of Economic Principles
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Rooted in Christ
• Choices Matter
• Power of Observation
• Wise Economists
• Beautiful Community
• Wise Leadership
• Talented Thinkers
US Government
Weeks 1-14: Foundations, The Constitution, and Party Politics
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: The Three Branches
Christmas Break
Key Concepts, skills, and truths listed apply to first and second semester Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and US Government courses.
Key Skills – Students will:
• Be able to read foundational documents and correlate them to current events and agendas.
• Understand how to participate in their government.
• Learn how to use linkage institutions.
• Learn to share ideas and philosophies.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths – Students will:
• Know their obligations as a Christian citizen and the importance of their participation in society.
• Be able to research and make educated choices when voting.
AP US Government and Politics
Weeks 1-4: Foundations of American Democracy
Weeks 5-11: Interactions Among Branches of Government
Weeks 12-14: Public Policy, Civil Liberties, and Rights
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: American Political Policies and Beliefs and Political Participation
Christmas Break
Key Concepts, skills, and truths listed apply to first and second semester Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and US Government courses.
Key Skills – Students will:
• Be able to read foundational documents and correlate them to current events and agendas.
• Understand how to participate in their government.
• Learn how to use linkage institutions.
• Learn to share ideas and philosophies.
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths – Students will:
• Know their obligations as a Christian citizen and the importance of their participation in society.
• Be able to research and make educated choices when voting.
AP Microeconomics
Weeks 1-3: Basic Economic Concepts
Weeks 4-5: Supply and Demand
Weeks 6-9: Production Costs and Perfectly Competitive Markets
Weeks 10-11: Imperfect Competition
Weeks 12-14: Factor Markets
Thanksgiving Break
Weeks 15-17: Market Failure and Government
Christmas Break
Key Concepts, skills, and truths listed apply to first and second semester Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, and US Government courses.
Key Skills
• Small to Large Scale Connections
• Graph Recognition and Manipulation
• Economic Plan Development Based on Data Analytics
• Collaboration
• Life Application of Economic Principles
Key Bible and Biblical Worldview Truths
• Rooted in Christ
• Choices Matter
• Power of Observation
• Wise Economists
• Beautiful Community
• Wise Leadership
• Talented Thinkers